A Message of Support...

Published on 29 May 2024 at 11:27

Fear is a powerful emotion because it creates a dark hole. A bottomless pit whose gravitational pull has the ability to consume us; taking over the entire system so that it functions at a weaker capacity. It removes the ability to navigate in a way that is aligned with the worthy and progressive ideal you deserve. 


  • Fear from gang stalking or the psychological torture from one or more people, can be crippling. It is stifling to experience the negative effects of another persons or groups' sociopathic obsession. Recognize that this torture is meant to break you, so that they can carry out whatever depraved plans they have for you. Stay strong. 


In terms of whatever public humiliation that stems from this experience for the Black male being, one can draw parallels to the "breaking in" or "down" of the “Buck” or Black male during American chattel slavery. A stark comparison given the democratic and egalitarian discourse being presented in the public square. This public flogging is meant to denigrate the self concept of the Black male so that he views himself the same way that society views him, as an animal that needs taming. This is one of many reasons and parallels that exposes how and why the American society can still be identified as the American plantation, even centuries after emancipation. 


This spectacle of an experience in the contemporary age of social media creates a platform where this experience can be a public activity that creates an opportunity for depraved social unity of shameful immoralities. It becomes the modern day lynching where everyone can join in and possibly walk away with a souvenir, or a cowards tale to tell of how they kicked a Black man who was already down.  Replete with figurative picaninny baskets and Sundays' best dressings. 


  • If you have ever experienced the psychological torture of being stalked by any number of people, I hope that you stay strong and that their karma will be swift and as severe as the universe requires to balance out the equilibrium they chose to destabilize by tormenting you. 


Know that this is a paranoia inducing experience that is not founded on a delusion. You are not crazy. The people who choose to torment you are. These feelings come from a real threat of psychologically targeted torment and torture. The people who engage in this practice are not mentally well and want you to seem that way. Fortify your mind and lead with your heart. You are not alone. Trying to figure out why it's happening is a rabbit hole that does not need your attention. 



"Relax mentally and move away from your problems spiritually" - Emmet Fox




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