A Short Treatment on Identity Construction...

Published on 1 June 2024 at 07:27

It might be difficult to theorize about the identity construction of those deemed to be of lesser minds. Whether this be pervasive and gender based or of a more blatant and insidious race based reasoning, the effects are felt at a deep visceral level. 


  • How does one construct an identity that is capable of standing on its own? This identity, juxtaposed, to the dehumanized figure that society has created introduces a narrative that runs counter to the one that is widely held and believed. 


What are the dimensions of a self that has been hollowed out by the standards of a society that opposes its worthy and progressive ideal? This constructed non-being and its form are contrasted as the other by way of violent and relentless force.


Its ability to be seen runs parallel to its capacity to feel. Running alongside each other; unable to merge conceptually because objects are inanimate. Unsure of who gives one the right to dehumanize and categorize forms into teleological caricaturization. The construction of a nothing in humanistic form. The physical manifestation of a negation. 


Not to get lost in the poetic romanticism of dialectics, but the "treatment" is about Black bodies and the opacity of their existence.


... and the need for the construction of an identity that supports the worthy and progressive ideal of the Black form; its being. Moving away from that worn out and ill conceived heretical understanding as it pertains to what a Black person is, who they get to be, and an understanding of the powers that were usurped in the process of denying them personhood. 



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