Just, Hear Me Out...

Published on 17 August 2024 at 18:36

I preface this with the understanding that this site is a judgement free zone. We all are in the process of constructing our own personal narratives. That being said, 


I usually only discuss ideas because they are often what take root. They, in my opinion, are what tether us to negative energies. The ideas are what disrupt the flow of personalities and contribute to the dismantling of sensibilities that are positive or more in line with the worthy and progressive ideal we all deserve.


  • They introduce the thought forms that tie us to the lower aspects of the self. The lower aspects of the self, being those parts or things that keep us from pushing beyond base desires and limited understandings; that which creates a soul that is directed by the personality instead of the personality being directed by the soul. The process of moving away from the egoism that destroys and the lack of intrinsic confidence that we hope will culminate in us having a cleansed self concept. 


...what could be considered shadow work, or traversing the dark night of the soul. The pilgrimage from the underworld of the under-commons of our own personal moons. Navigating through the many dimensions and layers of the self. The excavation of negative qualities and characteristics found in the basement of the heart, mind, soul, and psyche.


  • The revelation of an unacknowledged spirit. Of the acceptance of ones' own spiritedness. A part of the self that reaches beyond the person and into the meta-philosophical ideations of that which is less understood. That which is potentiated. A journey into the abyss and through the many crevices that are layered within it. 


These words are not meant to feel intrusive or invasive to the person who reads them but there is an unintended forcefulness in how this is all presenting itself, so here is a poem to break up the dialectical heaviness...


The rain falls and I am still here, 

Unsure if I should fall with it; 

Or stand firm and steer clear. 

What does it mean to truly let go of the harsh self-criticism,

doubt, and fear?

I don't know. 


If it resonates, understand that walking in a light attracts a darkness that most are unable to contend with being recognized by. If, in the process of your own unfoldment, you find yourself overwhelmed and burdened by the darkness that wishes to overpower your light; know that you are not alone. You are one of many who are also on this long and arduous journey of cleansing and self discovery. Remember that perfection is a myth and not a characteristic of human beings. 


If, at any time you need to be encouraged, come back to this page and feel connected to someone who understands insurmountable pain. I offer encouragement because I know how it feels to experience the harshest parts of life with no one to be encouraged by. 


Be, both, empowered and encouraged. 




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