On Avoidance...

Published on 2 June 2024 at 05:03

I didn’t think I needed to remember the past but there it sits in front of me. It mirrors back to me that which I don’t want to see. It obstructs my view of what I deemed to be my reality. 


I’m not sure who needs to hear this but, pretending that something is out of your sight does not equate to it being out of your mind. Again, out of sight does not equate to “it” being out of the mind. Energy dynamics do not respect whatever colloquialism a person uses to deny that a problem exists, and that there are other ways to work through them that doesn’t involve avoiding them. A lot of people think that the anger and rage that they have will be easy to masquerades as passion from the heart space.


  • Denying that a problem exists doesn’t bring a lasting sense of emotional release because as soon as that avoidance is triggered, it brings whatever is being avoided into clearer view. Just because you don’t want to see it, doesn’t mean that it isn’t there.
  • For the person who chooses to avoid the problems they create for others by not thinking about their actions and the pain they may have caused, creates a dissonance that requires reconciliation. Constructing a reality where you are able to drop the label of villain, when you are a villain, creates an obscured subjective reality that does not fit the narrative of the objective reality that everyone else is a part of. 


It is imperative that the person who has created this dissonance for themselves and tries to create it for others by pretending they aren’t a villain is held to account for their villainous actions and behaviors to the fullest extent of positive law and also the fullest extent of divine law. It is the only way that we can move toward a more cleansed concept of the collective identity; unencumbered by the toxicity of villainous people. 


Especially if they have already been warned against playing with forces they don’t understand. You should have listened. 



I hope you accept your Karma with Grace... or not. It's coming for you either way, 


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