On Understanding Positions...

Published on 24 June 2024 at 10:50

What are the dimensions of ideologies founded on negative theories? Ideas that subjugate and denigrate. What depths would one go to create an inferiorized “other” to justify its unjustified superiority? 


  • How does a being compartmentalize itself in an effort to articulate experience within the confines of negative ideology; founded on the dimensions of inconsistent theories?


  • The morphology of ideologies founded on negative theories have not been cleansed of the harmful aspects of their existence. These theories and the destruction they have wrought require explication and reconstitution, or wholesale repudiation. 


The isms. 

Founded on fears, lies, and the propensity for sadistic abuse. 

Fascism, Racism, Nazism, etc. 

Ism after ism, creating schism after schism. 


The founders, by their own words, did not anticipate a union that was perfect. They expressly wrote to the union that was “more perfect”. In the direction of the worthy and progressive ideal… that “more perfect union”. 


  • How does one begin to explicate the ideologically masochistic theories that are fundamental to the hegemonic mechanism that the body politic exists within? 


  • Made that much more difficult to reach that, “more perfect union” by denying the existence of the American caste or; outright manipulating the narrative to place an already privileged demographic ahead of ones who have been fighting, not only for civil rights, but basic human rights. 


“I met many people like Trevor over the course of my research. People who were dying in various ways as a result of political beliefs or systems linked to the defense of white “way of life” or concerns about minorities or poor people hoarding resources”… (Metzl, 2019)


What is the big picture? What is the end result? What are the benefits of situating oneself in a position to work against the worthy and progressive ideal for all, and not just the already privileged groups? 


Let’s be clear,  minorities are not fighting to take away anyones rights. Minorities did not vote the people into office who want to take away the rights of others. Minorities vote, overwhelmingly, progressive. The problems of minorities should not be subverted and disregarded because a privileged group voted other privileged people into office who seek to take away their privileges along with the civil and human rights of minorities. 







Metzl, J. M. (2019). Dying of whiteness: How the Politics of Racial Resentment Is Killing America’s Heartland. Basic Books.



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