On Passing Judgement...

Published on 26 June 2024 at 06:02

For a second, consider if passing judgement on another person is the projection of the inferior aspects of the self onto another individual. 


The requisite state of mind being one that feeds off of the projections of self-imposed ignorance and humanistic impotence. The inability to see the beam in your own eye because you're so heavily focused on creating one in the eyes of the people you have deluded yourself into thinking you are better than. 


The distaste you have for another demonstrates the distaste you truly have for yourself. More focused on the resentment of others to hide the resentment you have for yourself. 


Though it is common, it is not normal... 


  • How distorted do your sensibilities have to be in order to judge another person, to the detriment of their well-being? 


  • What are the conditions of a mind that assumes an unjustified superiority to judge those they feel themselves superior to?


The lives of others have become spectacles unto themselves by people who are dangerously bored, have a lack of dignity, which is in line with a collective move toward depraved sensibilities. 


There is a lot of work to be done on the self; so much so that you begin to see those who pass judgement on others for who they really are... insecure beings who do so, because of a false awareness within themselves and a deluded idea of others in relation to the self. 


Society has allowed emotionally immature, ego maniacal sadists to pollute the hearts and minds of an entire nation. It has created the "Lord of the Flies" conditions of our past and present form of existence. Through centuries of unchecked and unabated depravity, we have allowed this festering of personalities to grow into an army of psychopaths, all looking for victims. 


I posit that all of this began with, and grew out of American chattel slavery and the rhetoric and behaviors that we see are pathological markers that began with the construction of the American plantational timeline. 



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