A Short Note on Real Recognizing Real in the Process to Heal...

Published on 4 July 2024 at 19:05

You are going to fall on your face…


I wonder how much resistance to ones’ own process is necessary to the process of healing, itself. There is an idea that one will fall, effortlessly,  into the growth that one requires; that it will be a graceful period where you will be poised in the poetics of growth and realization, or the need to do so. 


I offer that this is a fallacy of the idea of growth. Tension is necessary and resistance to the process of growth creates a tension that engenders change. It is difficult to know what to do and how to do it when faced with new challenges or difficult experiences. You may not know how to change, even though you have a strong urge to do so. There is no general framework to healing. It is an individualized process of self discovery. That said, the process of growth and personal development means that you will fall on your face, and resistance to falling on your face is, often, a necessary part of the healing process. 


No one wants to fall on their face, nor can anyone fall on their face gracefully. Very few, if any, can suffer through the process of healing and personal development looking and feeling pretty throughout the journey. If anyone…ANYONE, tells you that it won’t be painful and you won’t feel and look ugly experiencing it, they are telling you a lie; quite possibly selling you a whole dream of a non-existent experience. 


You are going to fall on your face. It won't be graceful, and that is ok.


Consider if moving with light,

will help you feel light;

so that when you get knocked down,

it won't be easy to get stuck in the feeling,

that you can't get back up. 




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